

Sushi Ew to Sushi Yay!

The first time I ate sushi was with my sister, in Sushi Groove, Taman Anggrek. We came just to buy something-I-forgot haha. Unplanned destination. We passed through the restaurant then We turned.  I never made any predictions about the taste. I chose the California Maki Roll, sushi filled with avocado, crab meat or crab stick and cucumber. On the outside, full covered with tobiko or well known as fish egg, which tastes sweeeet.
We took seats on the same table with other guests, who were not Indonesians. Theeen the sushi had been served on our table.  Its size was pretty enough to get inside your mouth all at once. And it had beauty color combination, sparkling orange outside, clean and fresh filling inside.
I didn't see any strangeness about this food. I grabbed one with chopstick, comment of the first  bite I had expressed by my lineament. Just like this -> .______. then my eyes turned red and teary. I was to spew this thing out of my mouth. But well...hold on. My mind had me, "swallow it..swallow it.." It just didn't taste like food :s Soon I took the glass of ocha (tea), the gulp pushed the sushi down to my tummy through my throat. Then, aaaah. This sense had given me a point that sushi was as bad as celery. Like, "I WILL ACT LIKE YOU NEVER EXIST, HIH!"

But in a couple weeks,my tongue would like to meet the strangeness of sushi. I was craving =p~
Weird, huh? Then I asked my best, Yuli, to eat some. Coincidence, She loves sushi. We went to Sushi Tei in Plaza Indonesia. The taste much better than the ones before gave. I tasted many sushi at some restaurants. Now, I can decide where to get these delicious food that I claimed as the worst one before :D. If You are a sushi lover, I recommend You some places to eat sushi in Jakarta (arranged by my rating verse) :

1. Sushi Tei (10 am to 10 pm)
  • Plaza Indonesia  
    Level 1 – 102 A & C
    Jl. M.H. Thamrin Kav 28-30
    Jakarta Pusat
  • Plaza Senayan
    Level 2 – 285 C & 287 C
    Jl. Asia Afrika No. 8
    Jakarta Pusat  
  • Senayan City Sushi
    Level 4 – 08
    Jl. Asia Afrika Lot.19
    Jakarta Pusat

  • Pondok Indah Mall 2
    Level 1 – 124
    Jl. Metro Pondok Indah
    Jakarta Selatan 
2. Sushi Ya (right beside The Comic Cafe)
    Tebet Raya
    Jl. Tebet Raya No. 53A
    Jakarta Selatan

 3. Umaku Sushi
     Jl. Tebet Raya No.141 Jak-Sel (150m before station Tebet)
     Operating days: Tuesday to Monday ( at 12-15 PM & 17-22 PM.Closed on Monday.

On neeext post, I will give you more recommended being-greedy-places. Being no shame is all right as long as you are in the right places!



Antara Simple Past Tense dan Present Perfect Tense

Dulu gue bingung sama kedua tenses ini. Keduanya sama-sama digunakan setelah kejadian usai. Baca di buku, baca di web, sama semua isinya.

Jadi begini loh ndo,
  • Simple Past Tense :  S + Verb2
I saw a can of beer on your desk. Was it yours?  = Saya tadi melihat ada beer di meja kamu. Apa itu punya kamu?

  • Present Perfect Tense = S + have/has + V3
I have seen Silent Hill movie. For me, it wasn't much scary.  = Saya sudah menonton Silent Hill. Menurut saya, filmnya ga nyeremin amat ah.

Kalau gue nangkepnya sih, kalo pake kata have/has diartiinnya sudah. Coba bedain lagi deh.

Saya tadi pagi mandi jam 7 = I took a bath at 7 this morning.
Saya sudah mandi sebelum kamu ajak jalan-jalan = I have taken a bath before you asked me to go out.  

More or less, seperti itu deh. Kalau udah bisa baca situasinya pasti mudah buat penggunaan tenses-tenses ini. Ok sekian. Semoga bermanfaat.



Perbedaan antara 'a' dan 'the'

Jadi gini, ini blog sebenarnya personal daily matters yang sengaja gue buat pake bahasa inggris. Bukan sok-sokan sih. Latihan. Soalnya sayang, bahasa itu kalo gak lo praktekin bakal lupa. Gue sendiri juga ga jago kok :D
Dulu gue punya beberapa kendala dalam menggunakan grammar. Gue ga paham penggunaan "a" dan "the". Gue juga ga bisa bedain simple past tense dan present perfect tense :p Ini sampai kebawa mimpi loh. Soalnya kepikiran. Di mana-mana. Serius. Abis gue bete aja kalau lagi nonton gitu atau ngeliat orang yang sama-sama orang Indonesia bisa ngerti. Masa gue enggak?
Kalau kalian lagi belajar bahasa inggris dan punya masalah yang sama, nih sedikit yang bisa gue kasih. 

Perbedaan antara "a' dan "the"

Umumnya kita pasti udah tahu kalau diartikan per kata, kebanyakan buku-buku bilang,"a" itu artinya sebuah atau seorang. Sedangkan untuk kata "the" digunakan sebagai kata tunjuk misalnyaThe Dul artinya Si Dul :D atau bahkan gak diartiin. Tapi kalau dari penjelasan segitu aja sih menurut gue masih belum clear. So, here are the details.
'A' digunakan ketika Object yang dibicarakan hanya diketahui oleh Subject 1. Misalnya, "I saw a bandit sneaked inside Mr. Green's house last night". Jelas, yang melihat banditnya kan cuma si I, lawan bicaranya enggak.

Selanjutnya coba bandingin sama penggunaan kata 'the' di bawah ini.
 'The' digunakan ketika Object yang dibicarakan diketahui oleh Subject 1 dan Subject 2. Misalnya, "The car with bugs bunny attribute that We saw yesterday is now parked in my yard". 
Kata the juga bisa diartikan sebagai akhiran '-nya'. Misal kamu meminta seseorang untuk mengambilkan buku dengan kondisi seperti yang sudah dijelaskan di atas, "Give me the book, please" - ambilin bukunya dong, please :*
Begitu :D

How are the explanations, fellas? clear enough? Sorry, not much I could give. But I hope, the existence of this post would help you, everyone :)



Welcome, 21

On Friday, 25th January, I just turned 21. What makes me excited aren't the 21 number, wondering what surprise and gifts I would get. Those beloved ones, FRIENDS. Just by saying the simple happy birthday and all the ridiculous wishes or the meaning ones they said, made my self better to stepping into the 21 gate. These are some of my friends words to me. the rests are from SMS, twitter and facebook. sorry, I didn't capture them.

And the unforgotten one, Maulanaaaa. He picked me home at 11 pm from work on 24th and 25th. I know he was super tired of taking the roads. but as usual he said, "what do i have to tired of? it's fine. no traffic anyway" well... whatever he wants. Started from Depok to Kb Jeruk then drove to Cideng and get back to Depok. Tasks for two days.

On midnight, right on 25th, he was the first person sent me a happy birthday text with "cieee ulang tahun :p" - he? -_-. And followed my sister who set the gift on my pillow. I straight asked her, "who has put this thing on my pillow?" but no answer "did you?" still no answer. I looked at the gift and the wrapping gift told me, "don't talk!". Oh I see. She gave me two pieces of long sleeves by colorbox, red and blue

The following day, Maulana picked me home from work. But today, the man who has multiple personalities, a combination of hardcore and cotton candy hearted, brought something hung on his handlebar motorcycle. I'll show you directly..

He gave me a pair of woman sandals. with subtly, he has me repent because he calls me "half" -.-
He gave me stickers as well. promoting his band thought :D he is the vocalist. hahah. but  i don't understand any hardcore music genre o.O but if you do, you might like them, DEAL STATEMENT



November ♥

An illustration of


Sorry, i forgot the guitar strap :p